Trying To Get To You

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Please Stop Releasing Music

Dear Musicians,

I am a big fan of music, as you know. However, I am currently backlogged with albums and songs to listen to. I have about 35 albums currently that not only do I want to hear, but I really want to delve into and listen to more than once. However, I don't have time to do that. So, could you all please refrain from releasing any more music until about mid-June? I should be caught up by then. Thanks in advance.


DDay said...

My thoughts exactly. Finally someone who is willing to speak out on this subject ;-)

Koop said...

me too, I'm all in favour of a worldwide ban on output of new music. My itunes collection is full of as-yet-unheard-but-worthwhile songs, screaming to be heard.